Our corporate governance
Unilever recognises the importance of good corporate governance and behaviour
The Code of Business Principles represents the standard of conduct which all Unilever employees are expected to meet in their business endeavours. A copy of this code is set out in the document 'Unilever's Code of Business Principles'.
Unilever is subject to corporate governance requirements in the UK and as a foreign private issuer in the US. Unilever constantly keeps its corporate governance arrangements under review and our compliance with these requirements are detailed within the corporate governance section of our latest annual report and accounts. We conduct our operations in accordance with internationally accepted principles of good governance and best practice, whilst ensuring compliance with the corporate governance requirements applicable in the countries in which we operate.
A comprehensive description of Unilever's corporate governance arrangements, including further details on the structure of the Unilever Group, are set out in the document 'The Governance of Unilever'.
- Board Diversity Policy (PDF 111.77 KB)
- Board Workforce Engagement Policy (PDF 527.24 KB)
- The Governance of Unilever (PDF 1.33 MB)
- PLC Articles of Association (PDF 327.37 KB)
- Unilever Group Subsidiaries (XLSX 69.88 KB)
- Unilever's Code of Business Principles and related Code Policies (PDF 8.55 MB)
- NEDs anticipated dates of Retirement (PDF 60.99 KB)
- Appointment procedure for PLC directors (PDF 92.93 KB)
- Profile of Unilever's Board (PDF 528.19 KB)