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Given half a chance, young people will change the world


What makes a millennial become an agent of change? Commitment to positive action soars when like-minded individuals get together, as One Young World 2018 showed.

Collaborating & Innovating for Change

One Young World is an annual summit for young leaders aged 18–30. Alongside presidents, Nobel Prize winners and global business leaders, contributors come together to debate, formulate and share innovative solutions to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

How can we tackle plastic pollution? Why are people still dying of preventable diseases? If we solve youth unemployment, can we avert future conflicts? These were among the topics discussed this year.

One Young World is a place where a generation can express their creativity and commitment together, and identify how they can create positive change within their own organisations. “You are not fighting a cause alone or dreaming alone,” said one delegate.

This October, Unilever sent 40 delegates to the summit in The Hague, where around 1,800 participants gathered, coming from countries rich and poor. Delegates go on to become One Young World Ambassadors, achieving on the ground the hopes and possibilities discussed at the Summit.

Here’s how the 2018 event inspired a generation of future leaders.

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