Terms and Conditions
Find the terms and conditions relevant to your market along with additional specific terms and conditions.
Unilever GlobalChange location
Unilever’s e-invoicing platform powered by Tradeshift is applicable for the countries listed below.
LATAM: Costa Rica.
SOUTH ASIA: India, Sri Lanka.
NAMET: United Arab Emirates.
AFRICA: Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa.
SEAA: Unilever Asia Private Limited, Australia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and New Zealand.
Electronic Invoice: Our e-invoicing platform powered by Tradeshift
Submit Electronic Invoice (PDF 1.06MB)
Paper Invoice: On an exceptional basis Unilever will accept a paper invoice, these can be submitted to the following addresses: List of Addresses (XLSX 77.14 KB)
View Payment Status: Invoice or payment status can be viewed online on Unilever’s Supplier Portal. Click here: to access some helpful training guides (PDF 1.35MB)
Technical support: To contact Tradeshift’s Technical Support Team in order to create or access your Tradeshift account or to submit an e-invoice click below: Tradeshift Support Contact
North America - Mailing addresses can be different to billing and shipping addresses. The supplier should confirm address details with the service requestor.
For non-PO order exceptions (where no purchase order has been raised): invoices must include coding details (General Ledger account number, cost centre, profit centre, internal order) and approval or signature.
Foreign, service-based invoices should indicate if there was any travel included. If yes, please provide the destination.
France - Non-PO invoices: coding details to be provided by the vendor on the invoice image.
Poland - Exchange rate and VAT amount in PLN should be mentioned on invoices issued by Polish suppliers in foreign currency.
For invoices related fixed assets: please indicate if it is with or without instalment.
Nordics - Supplier should mention precisely the type of transaction (goods/services).
Italy - Custom invoices should have FAI documents attached.
Invoices billed by domestic vendors for 0% vat should contain the Article number.
Switzerland - In attachment of invoice image: ESR number should be mentioned for all documents when bank details are missing.
Hungary - TRD (Tax Reporting Date) should be mentioned on the invoice image
Group VAT number
EU VAT art quotation in case of an intra-EU invoice
For domestic invoices with foreign currency, the VAT amount should be mentioned in HUF
EU VAT act quotation in case of an export invoice
Reverse-charge phase in case of reverse-charge transactions
Czech and Slovak - TRD (Tax Reporting Date) should be mentioned on the invoice image.
Ensure “quantity and type of delivered goods or range and type of services provided” is included. If the list/description is too long and detailed, it should be part of an annex.
If goods are purchased goods from another EU country, the supplier should include:
Arabia - Guidelines for suppliers in Arabia (PDF 346KB)
Cote D'Ivoire -Guidelines for suppliers in Cote D'Ivoire (PDF 598KB)
Ethiopia - Guidelines for suppliers in Ethiopia (PDF 767KB)
Ghana - Guidelines for suppliers in Ghana (PDF 478KB)
Kenya - Guidelines for suppliers in Kenya (PDF 745KB)
Malawi - Guidelines for suppliers in Malawi (PDF 1,024KB)
Malaysia - Guidelines for suppliers in Malaysia (PDF 473KB)
Mozambique - Guidelines for suppliers in Mozambique (PDF 1MB)
New Zealand - Guidelines for suppliers in New Zealand (PDF 267KB)
Nigeria - Guidelines for suppliers in in Nigeria (PDF 483KB)
Philippines - Guidelines for suppliers in the Philippines (PDF 309KB)
Tanzania - Guidelines for suppliers in Tanzania (PDF 814KB)
Uganda - Guidelines for suppliers in Uganda (PDF 816KB)
Unilever South Africa - Guidelines for suppliers to Unilever South Africa (PDF 897KB)
UMCDA South Africa - Guidelines for suppliers to UMCDA South Africa (PDF 821KB)
Zambia - Guidelines for suppliers in Zambia (PDF 1MB)
Zimbabwe - Guidelines for suppliers in Zimbabwe (PDF 941KB)
Find the terms and conditions relevant to your market along with additional specific terms and conditions.