Inspire people to take action on clean water and hygiene
Take part in WaterAid’s online training to inform and inspire others
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There are millions of orphaned and vulnerable children in South Africa who not only lack a stable home life, but also have few opportunities for a bright future.
It takes a village to rescue a child, and LIV uses this ethos to deliver a working solution through long-term cluster foster care, where children have a sense of belonging in a supportive community.
Orphaned and vulnerable children are placed in a family environment where all their needs are met by taking a holistic approach to physical, emotional and spiritual healing. There are homes nestled within communities all around South Africa, each with a foster mother to love and nurture the children, and a school to educate them.
Each home relies on the hard work of volunteers who give their time in all sorts of ways. From medical to ministry, teaching to sports coaching, your skills and involvement can make a huge difference. Take time to change lives, and be changed forever.
Take part in WaterAid’s online training to inform and inspire others
Join the outdoor revolution and make outside play matter
Join us and play your part in fighting poverty
Give help and support to young people experiencing mental health problems
Join the #KnorrFuture50Foods movement today
Join the Wecycle movement and be rewarded for recycling
Write a letter and make a difference to young people’s mental health
Let’s create a world where mental health matters
Help us protect and advance the rights of people seeking a safe home
Support LIV to give a child unconditional love, care and education
Make a donation to help save children worldwide
Make small, sustainable lifestyle changes that count
Help waste workers in Africa gain access to healthcare
TRANSFORM the lives of millions in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Create jobs, reduce waste and save lives with Eco-Soap Bank
Support a young girl in your life to find body confidence
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